Extra-Curricular Opportunities

St Francis Xavi​er has an impressive number of extra-curricular opportunities for students to experience. 

Extra-curricular activities are an important part of schooling and allow students to pursue different interests and develop skills outside the classroom.

We know that participation in extra-curricular activities contributes greatly to student holistic development and happiness, making them better learners inside the classroom.

087Sm.jpgThe Arts

The arts are a fantastic way for cultural and creative engagement activities for students. The schools run a number of extra-curricular arts programs including:

  • Poly Group - sharing of dance, song and activities for those from the Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands, and those interested in learning about Polynesian cultures
  • Jerusalem Dance Group – a group of students come together to learn new dances
  • Dance Troupe
  • Choral groups
  • Annual Art Show


At St Francis Xavier participate in sport is highly valued. Students who engage in sport are better learners, have better social and teamwork skills, and are physically healthier, making them more confident learners and problem solvers.

Students at St Francis Xavier enjoy a broad range of sporting activities throughout the year including

  • interhouse lunchtime competitions for Years 3 – 6, rotating through cricket, Oztag, netball, basketball, hockey, rounders, rugby, rugby union, handball, tennis, and more
  • sports development training and skills clinics, before and after school activities for intraschool and interschool competitions
  • annual cross country, athletics, and swimming carnivals.


Representative Sport Opportunities

St Francis Xavier is part of the Central Comets District School Sport Zone. District team opportunities can see students represent the school at Zone carnivals. Students can progress to represent the school in Metropolitan West School Sport teams, including tennis, hockey, soccer, rugby league, rugby union, cricket, basketball, netball, touch football, futsal, volleyball, golf, and softball. Metropolitan West athletes may also progress and be selected to represent at Queensland School Sport competitions.

Swimming lessons for all year levels are delivered in term four by an external provider as part of the compulsory physical education curriculum. Prep – Year 2 participate in an intensive eight-lesson block, while students in Years 3 – 6 participate in a seven-week program. Swimming lesson fees are added to the family's school fee statement.


Extra-curricular activities in the community include advocacy and involvement in events including:

  • Helen's Haven food donations
  • Anzac Day events at Goodna RSL
  • Annual Lenten Appeal
  • Caritas Project Compassion
  • Book Week
  • Under 8's Day
  • Harmony Day
  • Day for Daniel
  • Say No to Bullying D​ay
  • Talk Like a Pirate Day (in support of childhood cancer)

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Francis Xavier (2024)