Prayer at St Francis Xavier

SFX240320-1286.jpgLiturgy and sacraments are the formal, public prayer and worship of the church. At St Francis Xavier we familiarise students with words, actions and gestures, symbols and structures. Celebration of liturgy both reflects and influences what it is we proclaim, who we are proclaiming and what we do. At St Francis Xavier we celebrate Mass as a school and parish community on at least eight occasions throughout the year:

  • Opening School Mass
  • Ash Wednesday Mass
  • Mothers' Day liturgy
  • Reconciliation Week liturgy
  • Fathers' Day liturgy
  • Graduation mass
  • St Francis Xavier Feast Day liturgy. 

Prayer Celebrations are also held:

  • Holy Week
  •  ANZAC Day
  • End of School 


Christian Prayer contributes to the faith growth of individuals and the building of a Christian community. St Francis Xavier draws on the richness of the Catholic tradition, the wider Christian tradition, Stewardship and our Mercy tradition to nurture prayer life of the school.

Students at St Francis Xavier are invited to regular prayer including:

  • Daily morning prayer
  • Masses for students in Prep to Year 6 with parishioners in the church
  • Weekly Meditation is a prayerful quest engaging thought, imagination, emotion and desire. This may include readings, reflection, journaling, silence, and stillness.



Lord of life,

Bless and guide everyone in St Francis Xavier School community.

Help us to use and develop the talents we have been given,

And help us to grow together in friendship and trust.

Give us a strong and positive outlook, times of hope, laughter and celebration.

Help us to build a community of faith and a love of learning.

Following in the footsteps of Francis Xavier and Catherine McAuley,

 Teach us to care for others, especially the sick and all in need.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Image © Brisbane Catholic Education, St Francis Xavier School 2024