Enrolment Information

SFX240229-1030Sm.jpgThank you for considering St Francis Xavier Primary School, Goodna to educate your child.

St Francis Xavier Primary School promotes education of children in the Catholic faith and this faith permeates all aspects of the school curriculum. The school exists to:

  • Support the Church's mission
  • Be inclusive of all families who support the beliefs, values and expectations of the community.

When can my child enrol?

Students enrolling for the preparatory year need to have turned four by 30 June in the year prior to commencement at St Francis Xavier Primary School, as is required by the Queensland Government.

Birth Date

Eligible for Prep

Eligible for  Year 1

Child born 1 July 2019 - 30 June 2020
Child born 1 July 2020 - 30 June 2021
Child born 1 July 2021 ​- 30 June 20​22
​Child born 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023​​


Enrolment Guidelines

Priority of enrolment will be decided using the following categories in order as guidelines:

  1. Siblings of students enrolled at St Francis Xavier Primary School, Goodna.

  2. Baptised Catholic children whose families are members of the St Francis Xavier Goodna Parish community.

  3. Baptised Catholic children whose families reside outside the Parish.

  4. Students of families from the wider community who seek to share the values and practices of the school.

If application is accepted, it is understood that parents comply with the spirit of the school Vision and Mission Statements and agree to pay such fees and mandatory levies as set by the local authority.

Enrolment Procedure

For children seeking to enrol in Prep

  • Applications for Enrolment should be lodged by the end of first term in the year before the student begins school. A $50 non-refundable application fee is required at this time. Interviews with the applying student and his/her family will commence two weeks after the close of applications. Once applications are received interviews will be scheduled.

  • Parents will be notified by the end of May whether their application has been successful.

  • Step Into Prep Mornings are an opportunity for pre-prep students to familiarise themselves with the school facilities and staff by participating in 45-minute sessions with support staff prior to the orientation day.

  •  Prep Orientation morning will take place in Mid-November. 

For families seeking to enrol children in Years 1- 6

  • Contact the school as soon as possible to discuss availability in the desired year level.

  • If vacancies are available, an interview with the Principal will be arranged.

Enrolment Agreement

  1. St Francis Xavier Primary School operates from a Christian philosophy within the Catholic church tradition. All students are required to support the ethos, mission and values of the school. Participation in the Religious Education and other related programs of the school is expected.

  2. Students enrolled accept the rules of the school, and parents / caregivers cooperate with school staff in implementing the Student Behaviour Support Policy.

  3. Parents / caregivers agree to support the ethos of the s​chool and participate in the faith development of students.

  4. Families are encouraged to actively contribute to the life of the school.

  5. Parents / caregivers undertake to meet financial responsibilities by paying fees and levies by the due date.​

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Francis Xavier School (2024)​