Fees & Levies


Below is the latest school fee schedule.  Please contact the School Finance Secretary for further assistance with any School Fee enquiry.

Fee Schedule >>

*** Fees are based on Archdiocesan recommended amounts and revised each year. ***


School Fee Policy >>

Fee Concession Policy >>​​


  1. Invoices are issued to individual families by the end of week 2 of each term.

  2. Payment is due in full within 14 days of issue. All extensions or individual payment plan requests must be made in writing to the Principal and will be responded to in writing, confirming agreements.

  3. Unpaid accounts will receive a reminder letter for payment in 7 days.

  4. Families with outstanding amounts after this date will receive a further letter requesting payment or formal arrangement with the school within 7 days.

  5. Should the account remain unpaid all overdue accounts without formal arrangement will be forwarded to the Principal for consideration of Debt Collection options.

  6. Consideration will be made by the Principal to forward the account to a contracted Debt Collection Agency.


Direct Debit is the preferred method of payment for school fees. 

Payment can also be made at the office via Eftpos and Credit Cards, Cheque or Cash. Internet banking via Bpay is also accepted. Please note that concessional fees must be paid by the Direct Debit or Centrepay system. Fees are issued through an electronic email and with a statement of fees attached.

Click on the links below for relevant forms: