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Fee Concession Policy


​The St Francis Xavier School community is committed to providing a Catholic education for all students. We endeavour to ensure that no student will be denied a place at our school, based on the family’s financial position.


Fee concessions are available on application to any parent or legal guardian, which are determined on the basis of a just and equitable formula reflecting financial hardship in accordance with the Brisbane Catholic Education Concessions template. Fee reduction is determined on the basis of income and housing costs. 

  1. Parent or legal guardian should complete and return the Application for Concession on Fees form available from the school office.

    1. ​Evidence of income and housing costs eg: pay slips and Centrelink Income Statements are acceptable evidence of income. Income tax returns may be required in some circumstances and rental receipts or bank/mortgage statements as evidence of housing costs.

  2. If a concession is not approved, notification will be forwarded in writing.

  3. If a concession is approved, an interview with the principal is required.

  4. All fee concession approvals are based on the use of Direct Debit or Centrepay payment facilities.

  5. Once a fee concession is granted, it is essential that this commitment is honoured in full. If there is a problem in meeting this deadline, a letter of explanation should be sent to the principal.

  6. If family circumstances change, the principal must be informed.

  7. If a concession is required beyond the current year, new arrangements must be negotiated each school year.​​

​Please note:

  • Concessions will only be backdated to the commencement of the year in which the completed application was received

  • Evidence of income and housing costs could include: tax returns, Centrelink financial statement, payslips, minimum loan repayment/ rent statement, rates notice​.​